人類学者・ミラと紐解く「バ美肉」の世界 あらゆる人が「理想の自分」になれる時代に感じた可能性






These are the references that led me to my research:
- In Nehorin Pahorin, Virtual Bishojo Nem mentioned similarities between babiniku and ningyō jōruri.
- Hirota Minoru mentioned in a web article that babiniku bear similarities with onnagata. (https://panora.tokyo/79651/)
- According to Hatanaka Akihiro, VTubers’ popularity results from a combination of ningyō jōruri, 3D computer-generated characters, and cutting edge-technology. (死者の民主主義)

Based on that information I started researching the similarities between babiniku, onnagata, and ningyō jōruri. I do not make a historical association between babiniku and traditional Japanese theatre, rather, I use the latter to investigate the babiniku discourse. By doing such, I could discover aesthetics, practices, and social interactions that were reminiscent of those traditional theater arts. Based on gathered information from my informants, they claimed to draw inspiration from kabuki and ningyō jōruri to legitimize their practice.

But attention, I do not claim that ALL babiniku think that way or reference traditional theatre. My research focused on investigating one of the many discourses surrounding babiniku.





I can only answer based on the results that I have gathered during my master's thesis on babiniku. According to the participants, by using technology, spaces, movements, content, fashion, and other elements, my informants become kawaī characters, each living as their “ideal self.” To become a babiniku and satisfy their desire for approval, protection, and recognition and to be considered kawaī, those men tap into the common knowledge of visual elements surrounding bishōjo. While they live as virtual bishōjo, they also create alternative forms of masculinity and “hack” existing gender norms through technology and bishōjo stereotypes.

バーチャル美少女ねむ(左)、Liudmila Bredikhina(右)



 バーチャルな世界での性表現が変化しても、フィジカルな世界ではあまり変化がありません。 しかし、今後「誰もがかわいいバーチャル美少女になれる」から 「誰もがかわいくなれる 」という言説が生まれることを期待したい。こうして、かわいらしさをジェンダーや女性といった記号から切り離すことができるのです。

As  mentioned in my previous answer, becoming virtual characters can offer a number of possibilities to individuals. Some even "hack" existing socio-cultural expectations.  For example, some babiniku mentioned that they could be more wagamama and express their emotions. They could realize their own values in a society where they claim that traditional masculine values are still highly present.

While their gender expression changed in the virtual world, not much changed in the physical world.  However, I hope that in the future the discourse would move away from "everyone can be a cute virtual girl" to "everyone could be cute." Thus, separating cuteness from gender and women.




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